Fireplace Tiles in Sydney

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing Fireplace Tiles

A fireplace is definitely more than just a way to stay warm and comfy. It’s also an eye-catching area in your home where you can relax, hang out with friends, and enjoy the atmosphere. But figuring out which tiles are right for it can be a hassle. What factors should you think about? What kind of tiles are even available? And what are some ideas for designs that people usually go with? We’ll help you find the best looking fireplace tiles that fit into your style, budget and needs. No matter if it’s traditional or modern, we’ll give you the tips and inspo to make it look beautiful.

4 Factors When Choosing Fireplace Tiles

Choosing fireplace tiles is not as simple as picking the ones that look good. You also need to think about the following factors:

  • Functionality: Fireplace tiles must be able to withstand high temperatures, frequent cleaning, and thermal shocks. They should also be non-combustible and fire-resistant. Some materials like porcelain, stone, and ceramics are better than others when used for this purpose. If there’s any cracks or gaps in the tile it can trap dirt and smoke so that’s something you want to avoid. The same goes for tiles with porous surfaces.
  • Durability: Fireplace tiles will experience a lot of wear and tear over time. This is especially true if you use your fireplace often. You want tiles that won’t easily scratch, stain, or fade. And if they do become damaged you’ll want it to be easy to maintain them. While not all of them have this feature some tiles come with a special coating that makes them resistant to damage and adds charm.
  • Style: Not only do fireplace tiles serve an important function but they can also enhance how your home looks and feels. You can choose ones that match your current decor or go for a completely different color, pattern, or texture for contrast. And if you’re feeling creative then mix and match different types of tiles together for a custom design. Remember that the style of these should reflect your personality and taste.
  • Budget: The price of fireplace varies on multiple factors like size, shape, quality, design, and material. You’ll find cost friendly options that still look great as well as premium ones that adjust elegance value to your home. To install them you should also consider installation cost depending on how complex the project is along with the skill needed by the installer.

Types of Fireplace Tiles

There are many types of fireplace tiles that you can choose from, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Ceramic Tiles: They’re made from clay that’s pushed into high heat. It comes out durable, easy to clean and in a wide range of colors, patterns, and finishes. The main advantage is that they are relatively cheap and can be made to look like other materials such as wood, stone or metal. But the main disadvantage is that ceramic tiles can crack or chip easily if given enough force or heat.
  • Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles have many similarities with ceramic tiles. They’re denser, harder, and more resistant to heat, moisture stains and scratches. Their water absorption rate is much lower which makes them less prone to warping and cracking. Porcelain tiles also have the same surface options as ceramics. They can also imitate other materials but their main disadvantage is price. Porcelain tiles are heavier than ceramics and may require professional installation.
  • Stone Tiles: These natural products are cut right from rocks like granite, marble or limestone. This gives them a unique texture and character that can add warmth and elegance to your fireplace. Stone tiles also withstand high temperatures and frequent use due to their durability. However they need regular sealing as they’re porous enough to absorb dirt smoke and liquids which often causes staining or discoloration.
  • Glass Tiles: Glass tiles are made from recycled or new glass that is melted and molded into various shapes and sizes. They have a smooth and glossy surface that can reflect light and create a stunning effect. Glass tiles are also non-porous and easy to clean, and they come in a variety of colors, patterns, and finishes. However, glass tiles are fragile and can crack or shatter if exposed to extreme heat or impact. They also tend to be more expensive and difficult to install than other types of tiles.
  • Metal Tiles: If you need something sleek modern stainless steel copper aluminum or bronze get this type of tile. Metal gives a modern look perfect for any fireplace style but keep in mind that it’s noisy when heated or cooled down. The main advantage of these is their resistance to heat, corrosion, and tarnishing. But the disadvantage is that they scratch and dent easily and require regular polishing to keep their shine.

Popular Fireplace Tiles Design Ideas

Now that you know all the factors and types of fireplace tiles, it’s time to arrange them in style. Here are some popular fireplace tile design ideas that you can try or use as inspiration:

  • Subway Tiles: Subway tiles are rectangular tiles that are usually put in horizontally or vertically. They’re simple, classic, and versatile. You can go with white subway tiles for a clean and minimalist look or choose colorful ones for more lively and playful effects. You can even mix and match different sizes, colors, or orientations of subway tiles to create a more dynamic look.
  • Herringbone Tiles: Herringbone tiles are laid out in a pattern that looks like the bones of a fish. They’re elegant, sophisticated, and impossible to ignore. Adding these to your fireplace is bound to make it pop with luxury and charm. Match them with the color of your fireplace surround or contrast them with something else. Varying their size, shape, or angle will add a unique touch that no one else has.
  • Hexagon Tiles: Hexagon tiles have six sides and form a honeycomb pattern when arranged together. They’re modern, geometric, and fun to look at. Using these will definitely add texture and dimension to your fireplace. Picking hexagon tiles with uniform color and size is always a good choice but you can also mix them up for something creative. You can even use hexagon tiles as focal points or borders around your fireplace.
  • Marble Tiles: Marble tiles are tiles that are made from natural stone that has a smooth and glossy surface with veins of different colors. They are luxurious, elegant, and timeless, and they can make your fireplace look more refined and sophisticated. You can choose marble tiles that have a subtle or dramatic veining pattern, depending on your preference. You can also pair marble tiles with other materials, such as wood, metal, or glass, to create a more balanced and harmonious design.
  • Mosaic Tiles: If you want something vibrant then mosaic tiles are perfect for you! Each tile composes small pieces of glass, ceramic stone or metal which is then combined to make a larger image or pattern. They’re very colorful and expressive making your fireplace look full of life. You can choose mosaic tiles with predefined designs or use your favorite colors, shapes, or motifs to create your own. To add a personalized touch you can also use them to cover up the entire fireplace or just a part of it.


The tiles you choose for your fireplace will impact it aesthetically and practically. To make sure you get what you want out of it, consider the style, durability, functionality, budget, and material of the tile. Each option will give its own look and feel to your home such as ceramic or stone, glass or metal. The way they’re placed is also a factor to think about.


What type of tile is used for fireplace surround?

The type of tile utilized for a fireplace surround can greatly influence its overall appearance. In order to complement the style, budget, and preferences of homeowners, various types of tiles can be employed. These include ceramic, porcelain, stone, glass, and metal tiles. Each tile variant presents its own set of advantages and disadvantages concerning durability, maintenance, cost, and design. For instance, ceramic tiles offer ease of cleaning and a wide array of color options and patterns; however, they may be susceptible to cracking or chipping when exposed to high heat or impact. Stone tiles boast natural beauty and resilience; nevertheless, their porous nature necessitates regular sealing to prevent staining or discoloration.

What is the best tile for a fire pit?

A fire pit is an outdoor feature that provides warmth and ambiance. It can be built with different materials, such as bricks, stones, concrete, or metal. However, if you want to add some tiles to your fire pit, you need to choose ones that can withstand high temperatures and thermal shock. Some of the best tiles for a fire pit are heat resistant tiles, such as porcelain, ceramic, or stone tiles. These tiles can resist cracking or warping under extreme heat or cold.

What tiles are fire resistant?

Fire-resistant tiles play a crucial role in applications where fire safety is paramount, such as kitchens, bathrooms, fireplaces, or fire pits. These non-combustible tiles are typically crafted from materials like clay, cement, or stone. Additionally, some fire-resistant tiles possess special coatings or glazes that enhance their resistance to heat, smoke, or flames.

Is matte or glossy tile better for fireplace?

The choice between matte or glossy tile for a fireplace revolves around personal preference and the desired aesthetic. Each option has distinctive qualities in terms of appearance and maintenance. Matte tiles feature a subdued and smooth surface that does not reflect light. This can create a cozy and rustic ambiance while concealing dirt and fingerprints more effectively than glossy tiles. However, if not paired with contrasting elements or visually stimulating additions, matte tiles might appear lackluster.

What size tile is best for fireplace?

Determining the ideal tile size for a fireplace depends on factors such as the fireplace’s dimensions, shape, and the desired design or pattern. Generally speaking, larger tiles tend to impart a more expansive and streamlined appearance to the fireplace, while smaller tiles offer intricate and detailed effects. Installing and maintaining larger tiles is typically easier since they require less cutting and grouting. However, it is important to note that larger tiles may not seamlessly fit curved or irregular fireplaces, potentially leaving gaps or edges that require filling or covering. In contrast, smaller tiles boast greater flexibility and adaptability, making them more suitable for curved or irregular fireplaces.

Can you use tiles around a wood burner?
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