Granite tiles For kitchen

Why to choose Granite Tiles for the Kitchen?

If you are looking for a way to upgrade your kitchen with a stunning and durable material, you might want to consider granite tiles. Granite tiles are not only beautiful and elegant but also practical and versatile. They can enhance the look and value of your kitchen, whether you use them for flooring or countertops.

But what are granite tiles and how do they compare to natural granite? In this article, we will explore the differences, benefits, and drawbacks of both options and help you decide which one is best for your kitchen. We will also give you some tips on how to choose the right colour, design, and finish for your granite tiles, as well as how to care for and maintain them properly.

Granite Tiles vs Natural Granite Which One is Better for Your Kitchen?

Granite is a natural stone that is formed from molten rock under high pressure and temperature. It is composed of various minerals, such as quartz, feldspar, mica, and hornblende, that give it its unique colour and pattern. Granite is one of the hardest and most durable materials on earth, making it ideal for kitchen applications.

However, natural granite also has some drawbacks. It is very heavy and expensive, requiring professional installation and cutting. It also needs regular sealing to prevent stains and bacteria from penetrating its porous surface. Moreover, natural granite slabs have limited sizes and colors, depending on the availability of the stone.

Granite tiles are a newer and more affordable alternative to natural granite. They are made of vitrified tiles that have a granite-like print on their surface, giving them the appearance of natural granite. They are also available in large format full body tiles that have the same color and texture throughout the tile.

Granite tiles have several advantages over natural granite. They are lighter and easier to install than natural granite slabs, and can be cut into any shape and size. They also require less maintenance than natural granite, as they are resistant to stains, scratches, and moisture. Furthermore, granite tiles offer a wider range of colors, patterns, and finishes than natural granite, allowing you to customize your kitchen according to your preference.

Of course, granite tiles also have some disadvantages. They are not as strong or heat-resistant as natural granite, so they may crack or chip under extreme conditions. They also have grout lines between each tile, which may collect dirt or mold over time. Additionally, granite tiles may not have the same natural beauty or uniqueness as natural granite slabs.

The Benefits of Granite Tiles for Kitchen Flooring and Countertops

Granite tiles are a great choice for kitchen flooring and countertops, as they offer many benefits that can enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your kitchen. Here are some of the benefits of granite tiles for your kitchen:

  • Durability: Granite tiles are very durable and can withstand high traffic, wear and tear, and spills. They are also resistant to scratches, chips, cracks, and stains, making them ideal for busy kitchens. Granite tiles can last for decades with proper care and maintenance.
  • Elegance: Granite tiles have a natural elegance and sophistication that can elevate the look of your kitchen. They have a glossy, smooth, and polished surface that reflects light and creates a spacious and bright atmosphere. They also have a variety of colors and patterns that can complement any style and décor of your kitchen.
  • Hygiene: Granite tiles are very hygienic and easy to clean. They have a non-porous surface that prevents bacteria, mold, and mildew from growing. They also do not absorb odors or liquids, keeping your kitchen fresh and sanitary. You can simply wipe them with a damp cloth or mop them with a mild detergent to keep them clean and shiny.
  • Value: Granite tiles can add value to your home, as they are considered a high-end and luxurious material. They can increase the appeal and attractiveness of your kitchen, making it more desirable for potential buyers. They can also save you money in the long run, as they are durable and low-maintenance.

Colour Options In Granite Tiles

One of the best things about granite tiles is that they come in a vast spectrum of colors, ranging from subtle neutrals to vibrant hues. You can choose from different shades of white, beige, brown, gray, black, blue, green, red, yellow, and more. You can also find granite tiles with different patterns, such as speckled, veined, marbled, or flecked.

The color and pattern of your granite tiles can have a significant impact on the mood and style of your kitchen. You can create different effects by choosing different combinations of colors and patterns. For example:

  • If you want a classic and elegant kitchen, you can opt for white or beige granite tiles with subtle veins or specks. These colors can create a clean and spacious look, as well as match well with any other color or material.
  • If you want a warm and cozy kitchen, you can go for brown or yellow granite tiles with marbled or flecked patterns. These colors can create a welcoming and inviting look, as well as add some warmth and richness to your kitchen.
  • If you want a modern and sleek kitchen, you can choose gray or black granite tiles with smooth or glossy finishes. These colors can create a sophisticated and minimalist look, as well as contrast well with other colors or materials.

How to Care and Maintain Granite Tiles in Kitchen

Granite tiles are relatively easy to care for and maintain, as they are durable and stain-resistant. However, they still need some regular attention to keep them in good condition and preserve their beauty. Here are some tips on how to care for and maintain the granite tiles in your kitchen:

  • Seal your granite tiles: Although granite tiles are non-porous, they may still have some microscopic pores that can allow liquids or dirt to seep in. To prevent this, you should seal your granite tiles with a high-quality sealer every year or as recommended by the manufacturer. This will create a protective layer on the surface of your tiles and make them more resistant to stains and damage.
  • Clean your granite tiles: You should clean your granite tiles regularly with a soft cloth or sponge and a mild detergent or stone cleaner. Avoid using harsh or abrasive cleaners, as they may scratch or dull the surface of your tiles. You should also rinse your tiles well with water and dry them with a clean cloth to prevent water spots or streaks.
  • Remove stains from your granite tiles: If you notice any stains on your granite tiles, you should act quickly and remove them as soon as possible. You can use a poultice made of baking soda and water or hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the stained area. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit for 24 hours. Then, remove the poultice and wipe the area with a damp cloth. Repeat the process if necessary until the stain is gone.
  • Polish your granite tiles: You can polish your granite tiles occasionally to restore their shine and luster. You can use a commercial polish or wax designed for granite or make your own polish with baking soda and water. Apply the polish to the surface of your tiles and buff it with a soft cloth until it shines.


Granite tiles are a smart choice for your kitchen, as they offer many benefits that can improve the look and function of your space. They are durable, elegant, hygienic, and valuable, as well as versatile and customizable. They are also easy to care and maintain, as long as you follow some simple tips.

If you are interested in installing granite tiles in your kitchen, you can browse through our wide selection of colors, patterns, and finishes at Orientbell Tiles. We offer high-quality granite tiles at affordable prices, along with expert installation and customer service. Contact us today to get a free quote and consultation for your kitchen project.


What are the advantages of granite tiles over natural granite?

Granite tiles are lighter, easier, and cheaper to install than natural granite slabs. They also require less maintenance and offer more color and pattern options than natural granite. Granite tiles are also stain-resistant, scratch-resistant, and moisture-resistant, making them ideal for kitchen flooring and countertops.

How much do granite tiles cost?

The cost of granite tiles depends on the size, thickness, quality, and finish of the tiles. Generally, granite tiles range from $20 to $200 per square foot, while natural granite slabs can cost up to $300 per square foot. The installation cost of granite tiles is also lower than natural granite slabs, as they are easier to cut and fit.

How to choose the right colour and design for granite tiles?

The color and design of granite tiles should match the style and décor of your kitchen. You can choose from a variety of colors, from subtle neutrals to vibrant hues, and from different patterns, such as speckled, veined, marbled, or flecked. You can also choose from different finishes, such as glossy, matte, or rocker. You should consider the size and lighting of your kitchen, as well as the color and material of your cabinets, appliances, and backsplash, when choosing granite tiles.

Why Are Granite Floors Not Seen Everywhere if They’re So Great?

Granite floors do require a significant initial cost and a specific subfloor underneath. Professional installation and correct cutting are also necessary. However, the beauty and value they add over time make them a high-end flooring choice worth considering​​.

I Want a Granite Countertop, is it Expensive?

The cost of a granite countertop depends on the size, thickness, level, and type of granite installed. They can increase home resale appeal and serve as a focal point in the kitchen, potentially attracting potential home buyers​​.

Is a Granite Countertop Hard to Maintain?

Compared to other materials, granite countertops are not hard to maintain. They are resistant to scratches, stains, and heat. Regular dusting and wiping of spills will help maintain their look. Some sealants even offer a lifetime warranty against staining, and some types of granite might not require sealing at all​

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